- Details
- Created on Monday, 11 November 2013 04:41
- Last Updated on Tuesday, 26 November 2013 06:27
- Written by Amory KC Wong
- Hits: 6688
Here are the sound files if you don't have any of your own.
Here are the code snippets to put into your app.
This piece goes after "#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>":
#import <AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h>
#import "ViewController.h"
This piece goes before "@end":
+(AppDelegate *)AD;
This piece goes after "@implementation AppDelegate":
AppDelegate *singleton;
#pragma mark - Sound
#define NUM_BUT_SOUNDS 4
int soundNum;
BOOL noSound;
AVAudioPlayer *buttonSounds[NUM_BUT_SOUNDS];
AVAudioPlayer *theme1Sound;
AVAudioPlayer *incorrectSound;
AVAudioPlayer *correctSound[3];
-(void)createSound:(AVAudioPlayer *)player filename:(NSString *)fn soundType:(NSString *)st {
NSURL *fileURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:fn ofType:st]];
NSData *audioData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:fileURL];
if ([player initWithData:audioData error:nil]) {
player.volume = 1.0;
[player prepareToPlay];
} else
player = nil;
-(void)loadButtonSound:(int)i {
buttonSounds[i] = [AVAudioPlayer alloc];
[self createSound:buttonSounds[i] filename:@"HighClick"soundType:@"wav"];
if (buttonSounds[i])
buttonSounds[i].volume = 0.4;
-(void)playButtonSound {
if (noSound)
if (buttonSounds[soundNum] == nil) {// if sound is unavailable, try loading again
[self loadButtonSound:soundNum];
soundNum = (soundNum + 1) % NUM_BUT_SOUNDS;
if (buttonSounds[soundNum]) {// only load one
if ([buttonSounds[soundNum] isPlaying]) {
[buttonSounds[soundNum] stop];
buttonSounds[soundNum].currentTime = 0;
[buttonSounds[soundNum] play];
soundNum = (soundNum + 1) % NUM_BUT_SOUNDS;
-(void)playThemeSound {
if (noSound)
if (theme1Sound == nil) {
theme1Sound = [AVAudioPlayer alloc];
[self createSound:theme1Sound filename:@"Bach Musical Offering" soundType:@"mp3"];
theme1Sound.numberOfLoops = -1;// uncomment this line if you want the music to infinitely repeat
if (theme1Sound)
[theme1Sound play];
-(void)killThemeSound {
if (theme1Sound) {
[theme1Sound stop];
theme1Sound = nil;
-(void)toggleSound {
noSound = !noSound;
if (noSound) {
[self killThemeSound];
} else {
[self playThemeSound];// uncomment this line if you want the music to infinitely repeat
+(AppDelegate *)AD {
return singleton;
This piece goes after "// Override point for customization after application launch.":
[[AVAudioSession sharedInstance] setCategory:AVAudioSessionCategoryAmbient error:nil];// this line allows music and sounds from other programs continue, specifically iTunes
singleton = self;
noSound = NO;
[self playThemeSound];
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BUT_SOUNDS; i++)
[self loadButtonSound:i];
Remember to change "#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>" to "#import "AppDelegate.h"" in all your ViewController subclass files.
This piece goes before "@end":
This piece goes before "@end":
-(IBAction)playClick:(id)sender {
[[AppDelegate AD] playButtonSound];
Be sure to subclass your main menu ViewController.
This piece goes before "@end":
This piece goes before "@end":
-(IBAction)toggleSound:(id)sender {
[[AppDelegate AD] toggleSound];
[[AppDelegate AD] playButtonSound];
You will still need to make all your IB connections in the storyboard!
You also need to add the AVFoundation.framework!